Friday 17 April 2020

How a nail burst my covid-19 bubble. (by Kurt)

On Friday the 10th I was helping my dad move stuff in our old shed and I stood on a
rusty old nail, it went into my toe next to my big one. 
It really hurt and dad had to pull it out and carry me inside. After mum and dad had a
good look at it my dad rang the hospital and they decided I needed to see a doctor.  
Because of covid-19 my dad is the one in our family that leaves the house so he took
me to the hospital and we both were wearing gloves and a face mask. There weren’t
many other people there but it still took a while before we saw the doctor. But when
we did he wanted me to have x-rays to see if the nail damaged my toe bone or left
any bits inside.
The x-ray showed my bone was fine but there were bits of rusty nail left inside so the
doctor had to numb my foot and then cut it a little bit to get it all out. He was almost
finished but wanted to be really sure he got it all and wanted to numb my foot again
and keep going. But I had had enough and didn't want another needle so the doctor
cleaned it up and covered it and sent me home with some antibiotics.  

My foot doesn't really hurt anymore, only if I stand on something where the nail
went in.


  1. OUCH! That looks like it would have really hurt Kurt. It is interesting to see the x-rays, and all of the little bones in your foot. Sounds like you were super brave. I am pleased to read that your foot does not hurt anymore.

  2. Wow, I can see why your bubble burst! That looks like it would have hurt a lot. You are obviously very, very brave. Thank you for sharing your photos and x-rays.

  3. That is a very catchy title that you chose for your blog post because a nail did literally burst your bubble!
    I am really glad you and Dad were safe and had masks and gloves to wear and that you are on the mend.

  4. What an adventure you and Dad have had Kurt. And all just because you were helping Dad clean the shed. I love your recount of what happened to you and the great photos taken. I'm glad you are feeling better. Take care Kurt.


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